“Treasure Hunt” is an entertaining game, which can be played by the users in their free time for enjoyment and having fun. It requires user focus as user need to be active to direct the boat in the direction of coins in order to collect them. Loosing focus affects the score.

Game includes one home page, which has Play button

If the user clicks on Play button, it will take him/her to the game page, wherein Anna will be on her way to collect the coins. Since the game is not completed yet, later on character-Anna and obstructions like trees and rocks can be added.  User must help Anna to avoid those obstructions in order to continue the game, else boat will crash, and game will be over. Home page got eye-catching colours and UI for the user.

  • Thinking about the user interactivity, text of the buttons is kept bold and simple, so that it would be easy for all audience.
  • Highlighted colour feature is added. Buttons will change the colour if user hovers on it, and this will indicate that they have clicked on something. Different colours are added as mode of interaction with the buttons to have a good UI. All buttons have default colour and will change to Blue if user will click on it


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Hi Ravina, your game is wonderful. The background image that u used for the menu scene scene is perfect. Its really give an impression to the user what kind of an experience user will get from your game. Also the name is perfect as well. for the game scene you have used hovering effect for the buttons and its clearly indicate to user what he is doing. Also colours that used for the hovering effects, clearly show the change without any effect to the naming of the buttons.

Thank you. 

Hi Ravina, your game is awesome. "Treasure Hunt" what a cool name for a game. I really like your menu scene. The Image that you have used in the menu is really nice and eye-catching and also the color combination is very good. I think if you can use any other fancy font style for the title in the menu, it would make it more attractive.

You have used hovering effects on all buttons in your game which make it more distinguishable and keep consistency across all scenes.

In your game seen I love the colors that you have used in the scene. You have put buttons in different locations that will make user to go here and there to click on buttons it is better if you can group all the buttons together.  Positioning of the "back to menu" button is good.

Thank you.